Transform the 9 Box Talent Assessment

transform 9-box

Talent assessment is the starting point for successfully developing and managing organizational talent at all levels. The 9-box talent grid is the gold standard for assessment, and when used appropriately, provides consistent and objective standards with which to fairly assess employees.

The problem is that the 9-box can easily become a tick-box exercise that hinders employee development. It loses its efficacy when the assessments used to fill out the grid are inaccurate, when biases are not corrected, when managers use different standards for assessment, and when the 9-box is not translated into development opportunities that connect to organizational goals.

Transform the 9-box into a strategic tool by improving the quality of assessments that go into plotting employees on the grid, making group calibration a regular priority, and creating development plans that bring out the best in every employee.


KHR’s Insight

The success of the 9-box depends crucially on what comes before and after: assess employees accurately before plotting the grid, and create development plans for every employee afterward to bring out their best contribution to your organization.

Move toward open, honest, and collaborative talent assessment. Invite employees to work together with managers and to assess themselves, and discuss potential and growth opportunities so that employees feel empowered to act, rather than apprehensive about being assessed.



Unsure of how to transform your assessment strategy? Contact us today to discuss how we can help you use this crucial tool for assessing and developing your team.

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