Develop an Employee Ambassador Program

social media management

Organizations have realized the power of social media and are increasingly using it as the channel of choice for communicating and promoting the employer brand. Employee ambassador programs are a top emerging social media trend as organizations shift from talent acquisition to talent attraction.
Our Recommendation

  • Build an employee ambassador program that suits the needs, culture, and trust level of your organization.

The challenge is that corporate communications and digital strategies are usually owned by individuals, teams, or departments outside of HR. Without HR involvement in employer branding, organizations run the risk of promoting a brand that is misaligned with the employee value proposition (EVP). Without the skills, resources, or ownership, it is difficult for HR to build a strong social media presence and take their social media use to the next level.

Kelowna HR’s Insights

  • Social media is a powerful tool to communicate and promote the employer brand and organizations are increasingly recognizing its potential.
  • Organizations generally use social media as a means of recruiting potential talent and/or for consumer marketing; but initiating an employee ambassador program is increasingly becoming a top social media priority.
  • While social media changes HR’s role, HR does not have to become a marketing expert. Instead, they need to collaborate with those who have the right skills and knowledge.
  • With the active promotion of your employer brand by employees, organizations extend their reach, provide an authentic voice to organizational life, and ultimately promote the organization.



Leverage the power of Social Media to effectively promote your brand in a strategic way. Contact KHR now and find out how we can help make the process easy and effective.



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